Posted on June 14, 2012. Filed under: Strategies, Operations, Practitioners, Exchanges, Securities, Private Equity | Tags: The Speed Traders, High-Frequency Trading, Edgar Perez, Flash Crash, SEC, CFTC, Hong Kong, proprietary trading, McKinsey, Sao Paulo, Chicago, singapore, new york, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, Securities and Exchange Commission, Nasdaq, GETCO, Citadel, Goldman Sachs, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, Hedge Funds, Trading, Institutional Investors, Quantitative Trading, High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour,, China, The Speed Traders Workshop, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, New York University, Dubai, Seoul, South Korea, Bursa Malaysia, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Warsaw, Kiev, Ukraine, Shanghai, Jakarta, Mexico, Moscow, London, House Financial Services Committee, MIT Sloan, Beijing, High Frequency Trading Networking, Market Abuse Unit, Pace University, HFT Seminar, HFT workshop, BFM 89.9, IPO, Bob Greifeld, BATS Global Markets, Kyiv, Electronic Trading, Electronic Trading Platform, CSRC, FPGA, FSA, MiFID, Renaissance, trading strategies, China Business Network, CBN, Caixin Media |
2012年6月第二个交易日,上证指数因为特殊的波动引发市场关注。来自监管当局的消息称,交易所已经注意到了市场中的高频交易,但未发现有市场操纵行为。 将通过计算机控制的高频交易(High-frequency Trading,简称HFT)行为与人为的操纵市场联系到一起引人无限遐思。高频交易到底是加剧市场波动还是缩短市场波动?如何监管高频交易?是否应该像 对“粮仓中的老鼠”一样,限制高频交易?这都是摆在全球监管者面前的一道难题。尤其对于散户众多的中国证券市场,高频交易又会成为何种角色? “美国各界仍在争论,焦点是该不该对高频交易有限制,高频交易到底是利大于弊还是弊大于利。”纽约华尔街一家全球宏观型对冲基金数量交易组的数量投资经理杨旭对财新记者表示。 To read the full article please click here.
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Posted on June 13, 2012. Filed under: Strategies, Operations, Practitioners, Exchanges, Securities, Economy, Private Equity, Regulations | Tags: The Speed Traders, High-Frequency Trading, Edgar Perez, Flash Crash, SEC, CFTC, Hong Kong, proprietary trading, McKinsey, Sao Paulo, Chicago, singapore, new york, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, Securities and Exchange Commission, Nasdaq, GETCO, Citadel, Goldman Sachs, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, Hedge Funds, Trading, Institutional Investors, Quantitative Trading, High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour,, China, The Speed Traders Workshop, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, New York University, Dubai, Seoul, South Korea, Bursa Malaysia, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Warsaw, Kiev, Ukraine, Shanghai, Jakarta, Mexico, Moscow, London, House Financial Services Committee, MIT Sloan, Beijing, High Frequency Trading Networking, Market Abuse Unit, Pace University, HFT Seminar, HFT workshop, BFM 89.9, IPO, Bob Greifeld, BATS Global Markets, Kyiv, Electronic Trading, Electronic Trading Platform, CSRC, FPGA, FSA, MiFID, Renaissance, trading strategies, China Business Network, CBN |
Edgar Perez援引数据介绍指出,目前在美国证券市场中的整体成交金额中有56%来自高频交易,而这种交易手法也是伴随着科技的发展、市场的竞争、以及监管政策的变化,在证券市场中自然演进所出现的。 高 频交易研究专家Edgar Perez近日在与第一财经采访时表示,高频交易是一种专注于“速度(speed)”的投资方法,主要以先进的电脑技术和设备寻求在极短时间内的获利,然 而这种投资方法与巴菲特的“价值投资”哲学并不矛盾,亦有助投资者能跳出经济周期和宏观大环境的制约,寻找到不为外界环境所左右的“阿尔法”值(即超出市 场基准的收益回报)。 Edgar Perez援引数据介绍指出,目前在美国证券市场中的整体成交金额中有56%来自高频交易,而这种交易手法也是伴随着科技的发展、市场的竞争、以及监管政策的变化,在证券市场中自然演进所出现的。 高频交易主要以电脑完成交易,数据处理可以在毫秒(0.001秒)之间,人力根本无法与之匹配,因此该种交易主要依赖先进的科学技术和电脑算法。高频交易的主要策略包括电子化交易、趋势追踪、相对价值套利、流动性监测、新闻解读分析和投资基金方法等。 To read the full article please click here.
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Posted on June 3, 2012. Filed under: Technology, Strategies, Practitioners, Exchanges, Event Announcements, Securities, Economy, Fixed Income, Private Equity | Tags: The Speed Traders, High-Frequency Trading, Edgar Perez, Flash Crash, SEC, CFTC, Hong Kong, proprietary trading, McKinsey, Sao Paulo, Chicago, singapore, new york, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, Securities and Exchange Commission, Nasdaq, GETCO, Citadel, Goldman Sachs, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, Hedge Funds, Trading, Institutional Investors, Quantitative Trading, High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour,, China, The Speed Traders Workshop, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, New York University, Dubai, Seoul, South Korea, Bursa Malaysia, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Warsaw, Kiev, Ukraine, Shanghai, Jakarta, Mexico, Moscow, London, House Financial Services Committee, MIT Sloan, Beijing, High Frequency Trading Networking, Market Abuse Unit, Pace University, HFT Seminar, HFT workshop, BFM 89.9, IPO, Bob Greifeld, BATS Global Markets, Kyiv, Electronic Trading, Electronic Trading Platform, CSRC, FPGA, FSA, MiFID, Renaissance, trading strategies |
Edgar Perez, Author, The Speed Traders, Speaker at The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Shanghai: How Algorithmic and High Frequency Traders Leverage Profitable Strategies to Find Alpha in Equities, Options, Futures and FX, June 6 New York, NY, May 26, 2012 — Edgar Perez will be the presenter at upcoming The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Shanghai: [...]
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Posted on June 1, 2012. Filed under: Technology, Strategies, Practitioners, Exchanges, Event Announcements, Securities, Economy, Fixed Income, Private Equity | Tags: The Speed Traders, High-Frequency Trading, Edgar Perez, Flash Crash, SEC, CFTC, Hong Kong, proprietary trading, McKinsey, Sao Paulo, Chicago, singapore, new york, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, Securities and Exchange Commission, Nasdaq, GETCO, Citadel, Goldman Sachs, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, Hedge Funds, Trading, Institutional Investors, Quantitative Trading, High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour,, China, The Speed Traders Workshop, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, New York University, Dubai, Seoul, South Korea, Bursa Malaysia, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Warsaw, Kiev, Ukraine, Shanghai, Jakarta, Mexico, Moscow, London, House Financial Services Committee, MIT Sloan, Beijing, High Frequency Trading Networking, Market Abuse Unit, Pace University, HFT Seminar, HFT workshop, BFM 89.9, IPO, Bob Greifeld, BATS Global Markets, Kyiv, Electronic Trading, Electronic Trading Platform, CSRC, FPGA, FSA, MiFID, Renaissance, trading strategies |
Edgar Perez, Author, The Speed Traders, Speaker at The Speed Traders Workshop 2012: How Algorithmic and High Frequency Traders Leverage Profitable Strategies to Find Alpha in Equities, Options, Futures and FX, Shanghai (June 6) Mr. Edgar Perez, author, The Speed Traders, and former McKinsey & Co. consultant, is leading the world’s only high frequency trading [...]
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Posted on May 21, 2012. Filed under: Economy, Exchanges, Regulations, Securities and Exchange Commission, Technology | Tags: BATS Global Markets, Beijing, BFM 89.9, Bob Greifeld, Bursa Malaysia, Chairman of Consob, Chicago, Chief Executive Officer, China, Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa, Course Director, Dubai, eclipse, Edgar Perez, Facebook, Futures and FX, Giuseppe Vegas, Hedge Funds, HFT Seminar, HFT workshop,, High Frequency Trading Networking, High-Frequency Trading, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, Hong Kong, House Financial Services Committee, How Algorithmic and High Frequency Traders Leverage Profitable Strategies to Find Alpha in Equities, How Traders Profit From High Speed Trading, Institutional Investors, IPO, Jakarta, Kiev, Kuala Lumpur, Kyiv, London, Malaysia, Market Abuse Unit, McKinsey, Mexico, MIT Sloan, Moscow, Nasdaq, Nasdaq OMX, new york, New York University, Options, Pace University, Quantitative Trading, Sao Paulo, SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission, Seoul, Shanghai, singapore, South Korea, Stuart Theakston, The Malaysian Insider, The Speed Traders, The Speed Traders Workshop, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Sao Paulo, Ukraine, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, Warsaw |
Bob Greifeld, Nasdaq OMX’s Chief Executive Officer, has said on Sunday that the 20-minute delay in trading of Facebook’s $16bn offering last Friday had been caused by a millisecond systems blip due to the largest IPO auction “in the history of mankind”. The exchange had found itself in the spotlight after Facebook failed to deliver [...]
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Posted on May 4, 2012. Filed under: Event Announcements, Exchanges, Flash Crash, Practitioners, Strategies | Tags: Beijing, BFM 89.9, Bursa Malaysia, Chicago, Course Director, Dubai, Edgar Perez, Futures and FX, Hedge Funds, HFT Seminar, HFT workshop,, High Frequency Trading Networking, High-Frequency Trading, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, Hong Kong, House Financial Services Committee, How Algorithmic and High Frequency Traders Leverage Profitable Strategies to Find Alpha in Equities, How Traders Profit From High Speed Trading, Institutional Investors, Jakarta, Kiev, Kuala Lumpur, London, Malaysia, Market Abuse Unit, McKinsey, Mexico, MIT Sloan, Moscow, new york, New York University, Options, Pace University, Quantitative Trading, Sao Paulo, SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission, Seoul, Shanghai, singapore, South Korea, Stuart Theakston, The Malaysian Insider, The Speed Traders, The Speed Traders Workshop, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Sao Paulo, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, Warsaw |
As reported by Bloomberg, Facebook Inc.’s $11.8 billion initial public offering will cement the status of 27-year-old Mark Zuckerberg as one of the world’s richest men and put his social network among the highest-valued companies in the U.S. Facebook is offering about 337.4 million shares for $28 to $35 each, according to a regulatory filing [...]
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Posted on April 20, 2012. Filed under: Event Announcements, Exchanges, Regulations, Strategies, Technology | Tags: Beijing, BFM 89.9, Bursa Malaysia, Chicago, Course Director, Dubai, Edgar Perez, Futures and FX, Hedge Funds, HFT Seminar, HFT workshop,, High Frequency Trading Networking, High-Frequency Trading, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, Hong Kong, House Financial Services Committee, How Algorithmic and High Frequency Traders Leverage Profitable Strategies to Find Alpha in Equities, How Traders Profit From High Speed Trading, Institutional Investors, Jakarta, Kiev, Kuala Lumpur, London, Malaysia, Market Abuse Unit, McKinsey, Mexico, MIT Sloan, Moscow, new york, New York University, Options, Pace University, Quantitative Trading, Sao Paulo, SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission, Seoul, Shanghai, singapore, South Korea, Stuart Theakston, The Malaysian Insider, The Speed Traders, The Speed Traders Workshop, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Sao Paulo, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, Warsaw |
The Speed Traders unveiled dates today for Edgar Perez’s full-day seminars, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012: How Algorithmic and High Frequency Traders Leverage Profitable Strategies to Find Alpha in Equities, Options, Futures and FX in Europe, presentations that will be followed by the rest of the world including dates in Southeast Asia, Latin America and [...]
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Posted on April 10, 2012. Filed under: Event Announcements, Exchanges, Flash Crash, Practitioners, Securities and Exchange Commission, Strategies | Tags: BFM 89.9, Bursa Malaysia, Citigroup, Edgar Perez, Hedge Funds, HFT Seminar, HFT workshop,, High Frequency Trading Networking, High-Frequency Trading, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, House Financial Services Committee, How Traders Profit From High Speed Trading, Institutional Investors, Jakarta, Kiev, Kuala Lumpur, Lee Wei Lian, Malaysia, Market Abuse Unit, McKinsey, MIT Sloan, Moscow, New York University, Pace University, Quantitative Trading, Sao Paulo, SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission, Seoul, Shanghai, South Korea, Stuart Theakston, The Malaysian Insider, The Speed Traders, The Speed Traders Workshop, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Sao Paulo, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, Warsaw |
Edgar Perez, author of The Speed Traders, and presenter at upcoming The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Kuala Lumpur: How High Frequency Traders Leverage Profitable Strategies to Find Alpha in Equities, Options, Futures and FX, April 12th, was recently featured by BFM 89.9, Malaysia’s top business station; the podcast can be downloaded at and [...]
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Posted on April 8, 2012. Filed under: Event Announcements, Exchanges, Flash Crash, Regulations, Securities, Strategies, Technology | Tags: The Speed Traders, High-Frequency Trading, Edgar Perez, Stuart Theakston, SEC, McKinsey, Sao Paulo, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, Securities and Exchange Commission, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, Hedge Funds, Institutional Investors, Quantitative Trading, High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour,, The Speed Traders Workshop, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, New York University, Seoul, South Korea, Bursa Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Warsaw, Kiev, Shanghai, Jakarta, Moscow, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Sao Paulo, House Financial Services Committee, MIT Sloan, High Frequency Trading Networking, Market Abuse Unit, Pace University, How Traders Profit From High Speed Trading, The Malaysian Insider, Lee Wei Lian, Citigroup, HFT Seminar, HFT workshop |
Edgar Perez, author of The Speed Traders, and presenter at upcoming The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Kuala Lumpur: How High Frequency Traders Leverage Profitable Strategies to Find Alpha in Equities, Options, Futures and FX, April 12th, was recently featured by The Malaysian Insider, in their note “Get ready for super-fast trading on Bursa, says US [...]
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Posted on March 24, 2012. Filed under: Book Review, Event Announcements, Exchanges, Securities and Exchange Commission, Strategies, Technology | Tags: Fictional Thriller, Hedge Funds, HedgeCo,, High Frequency Trading Networking, High-Frequency Trading, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, House Financial Services Committee, How Traders Profit From High Speed Trading,, Indonesia, Infinium Capital Management, Institutional Investors, Jakarta, Kiev, KKR, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., Kuala Lumpur, Lienhard School of Nursing, Lubin Graduate Society, Lubin School of Business, Malaysia, Market Abuse Unit, Massachusetts, McKinsey, Mega Million Miles, Mega Millions, Melissa Ma, Ming Zhang, MIT Sloan, Moscow, New York University, Opções e Mercados Futuros, Pace University, Paul Kedrosky, Private Equity, Quantitative Trading, Sao Paulo, SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission, Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Seoul, Shanghai, South Korea, Stuart Theakston, The Carlyle Group, The Speed Traders, The Speed Traders Workshop, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Sao Paulo, The Speed Traders: An Insider’s Look at the New High-Frequency Trading Phenomenon That is Transforming the Investing World, Time to Slow Down, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, Warsaw |
Seoul (South Korea), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Warsaw (Poland), Kiev (Ukraine) and Beijing and Shanghai (China) are just a few of the world’s financial centers where Mr. Edgar Perez, author of The Speed Traders, An Insider’s Look at the New High-Frequency Trading Phenomenon That is Transforming the Investing World, will bring his well-attended full-day seminar, The [...]
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