Posted on October 2, 2012. Filed under: Conference, Event Announcements, Practitioners, Strategies, Technology, Workshop | Tags: algorithmic trading, Analysis and Control, automated trading, BATS Trading, Chicago, CNBC, Columbia Business School, Commodities, Commodities Trading, Credit Derivatives, Dark Pools Trading, Data Monitoring / Analysis, Derivatives Trading, DMA Analysts, Edgar Perez, Electronic Execution, Electronic Trading, Equity Trading, European Central Bank, Ewald Nowotny, Exchange-Traded Instruments, Facebook IPO, Family Offices, Financial Engineering, Fixed Income / Currencies Trading, Flash Crash, Futures, Harvard Business School, Hedge Funds Traders and Managers, High-Frequency Trading, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, high-speed trades, Information Technology, Institutional Investors, Investment Banking, Knight Capital, Market Makers, Operations, Options, Over-the-counter Derivatives, Portfolio Management, proprietary trading, Quantitative Trading, regulatory conference, Regulatory Entities, Reuters, Risk Management, Securities and Exchange Commission, Statistical Arbitrage, Structured Products Hedging, The Speed Traders, The Speed Traders Workshop, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, Trading Technology, University of Chicago, Vienna |
It took some time, but finally it is now a reality. The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Chicago, October 9, will finally open the door to the secretive world of high-frequency trading, the most controversial form of investing today; in the name of protecting the algorithms traders and quants had spent so much time perfecting, they almost never talked to the press and disclosed as little as possible about how they operate.
The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Chicago promises to reveal how high-frequency trading players are succeeding in the global markets and driving the development of algorithmic trading at breakneck speeds from the U.S. and Europe to India, Singapore and Brazil. The Flash Crash, the suspended BATS IPO, the botched Facebook IPO and Knight Capital’s trading malfunction are just a few of the events in the history of high-frequency trading that will be dissected at The Speed Traders Workshop 2012.
Who should attend? Anybody involved with Algorithmic Trading, Automated Trading, Commodities, Commodities Trading, Credit Derivatives, Dark Pools Trading, Data Monitoring / Analysis, DMA Analysts, Derivatives Trading, Electronic Execution, Electronic Trading, Equity Trading, Exchange-Traded Instruments, Family Offices, Financial Engineering, Fixed Income / Currencies Trading, Futures, Hedge Funds Traders and Managers, High-Frequency Trading, Information Technology, Institutional Investors, Investment Banking, Market Makers, Operations, Options, Over-the-counter Derivatives, Portfolio Management, Proprietary Trading, Quantitative Trading, Regulatory Entities, Risk Management, Analysis and Control, Statistical Arbitrage, Structured Products Hedging and Trading Technology.
After Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, Warsaw, Kiev, Beijing and Shanghai, Chicago finally has the opportunity to experience first-hand The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, seminar that will satisfy both insiders and professionals who are new to the world of high-frequency trading.
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Posted on September 13, 2012. Filed under: Exchanges, Flash Crash, Regulations, Securities and Exchange Commission, Workshop | Tags: Austria, Austrian National Bank, BATS Trading, CNBC, Columbia Business School, Edgar Perez, European Central Bank, Ewald Nowotny, Facebook IPO, Flash Crash, Harvard Business School, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, high-speed trades, Knight Capital, proprietary trading, Quantitative Trading, regulatory conference, Reuters, Securities and Exchange Commission, The Speed Traders, The Speed Traders Workshop, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, Vienna |
ECB’s Ewald Nowotny. Credit: Reuters/Heinz-Peter Bader
No other than European Central Bank policymaker Ewald Nowotny called today for a regulatory ban on high-frequency trading, saying the technique of using computer algorithms to generate multiple high-speed trades had no practical value.
Reading the note from Reuters made me wonder whether Mr. Nowotny had thought about the consequences of a potential ban, when the technique already has more than 50% participation of equities trading in the continent.
“With high-frequency trading there is nothing to be regulated, it is to be banned. There is no really demonstrable net advantage from this (form of trading),” he told a panel discussion at a regulatory conference.
Mr. Nowotny, who heads the Austrian National Bank, would certainly benefit from attending one of my workshops. While I only have New York, September 25, Chicago, October 9, Dubai, October 14, Jakarta, November 16, Shanghai, November 22, and London, December 12, in my calendar for the year, I am faced with the urgent need to take my slides to Austria and add some light where darkness seems to be reigning; at least, I might schedule a stop in the Kitzbühel Alps.
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Posted on August 24, 2012. Filed under: Book Review, Flash Crash, Strategies, Technology, Workshop | Tags: algorithmic trading, CNBC, Columbia Business School, Dark Pools, Edgar Perez, 速度與策略決定高頻交易成敗, Flash Crash, High-Frequency Trading, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, Knight Capital, Knightmare on Wall Street, McKinsey, Nasdaq, proprietary trading, Quantitative Trading, Securities and Exchange Commission, Sina, The Speed Traders, The Speed Traders Workshop, Ultra High-Frequency Trading |
[ 在高頻交易中,如果要確保資本的有效使用,高頻交易員會希望交易價格最低的股票,這樣每筆交易的利潤保持不變但是利潤百分比就高了。這就是為什么股票的流動性和低價格成為高頻交易策略中重要的組成部分 ]
2008年金融危機以來,許多對沖基金紛紛倒閉,投資者們也謹慎地捂緊錢袋,然而,有一種交易模式卻在不斷擴張,以它為商業模式的基金也如雨後春筍,這就是高頻交易(High-Frequency Trading)。這種盈利模式的核心競爭力在哪裡,前景又如何?
近日,美國高頻交易專家、《交易快手:透視正在改變投資世界的新興高頻交易》作者埃德加﹒佩雷斯(Edgar Perez)接受第一財經日報《財商》記者專訪。他表示,實現毫秒或微秒交易的速度是高頻交易的核心競爭力。目前,在發達的市場如美國和歐洲,高頻交易已占到交易量的一半以上。而假以時日,中國有望成為世界上最大的高頻交易市場。
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Posted on July 29, 2012. Filed under: Book Review, Conference, Event Announcements, Flash Crash, Practitioners, Regulations, Strategies, Workshop | Tags: algorithmic trading, China Financial Publishing House, Citibank, CNBC, Columbia Business School, 透视正在改变投资世界的新兴高频交易, Flash Crash, Harvard Business School, High-Frequency Trading, High-Frequency Trading Book, High-Frequency Trading Conference, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, IBM, Infinium Capital Management, Manoj Narang, McKinsey, Oriel Morrison, proprietary trading, Securities and Exchange Commission, Seoul, Stuart Theakston, The Speed Traders, Tradeworx, Ultra High-Frequency Trading, 交易快手:, 交易快手:透视正在改变投资世界的新兴高频交易 |
2008年金融危机以来,许多对冲基金纷纷倒闭,投资者们也谨慎地捂紧钱袋,然而,有一种交易模式却在不断扩张,以它为商业模式的基金也如雨后春笋,这就是高频交易(High-Frequency Trading)。这种盈利模式的核心竞争力在哪里,前景又如何?
2008年金融危机以来,许多对冲基金纷纷倒闭,投资者们也谨慎地捂紧钱袋,然而,有一种交易模式却在不断扩张,以它为商业模式的基金也如雨后春笋,这就是高频交易(High-Frequency Trading)。这种盈利模式的核心竞争力在哪里,前景又如何?
近日,美国高频交易专家、《交易快手:透视正在改变投资世界的新兴高频交易》作者埃德加·佩雷斯(Edgar Perez)接受第一财经日报《财商》记者专访。他表示,实现毫秒或微秒交易的速度是高频交易的核心竞争力。目前,在发达的市场如美国和欧洲,高频交易已 占到交易量的一半以上。而假以时日,中国有望成为世界上最大的高频交易市场。
对于佩雷斯来说,金融领域是他热爱的事业。在获得哥伦比亚MBA学位后,他曾任花旗银行副总经理、麦肯锡公司的顾问。作为事业的高潮,他撰写了《交 易快手:透视正在改变投资世界的新兴高频交易》。该书的英语版本由麦格劳 - 希尔公司出版(2011年),今年,中国金融出版社(2012年)把它翻译成中文,目前,该书的印尼语和葡萄牙语版本正在翻译中。
《交易快手:透视正在改变投资世界的新兴高频交易》对高频交易进行了独到的分析。这到底是一种什么样的曾经“令人充满恐惧的技术”?它如何搞乱市 场?如何在两年前“闪电崩盘”中推波助澜?这本书告诉读者,媒体曾经渲染的股市“算牌”的现象已经改变。高频交易完全独立于“巴菲特式”的长期战略,它们 运作于完全不同的时间框架,并对长期投资组合产生的利润影响非常小。
佩雷斯对于高频交易的热爱并不止于写书。为了让更多的人了解这一金融市场的新趋势,他创立了交易快手工作室,并任课程主管,讲解高频率交易者如何利用有利可图的策略,来寻找股票、期权、期货和外汇中的阿尔法 。在此之前,他是纽约大学理工学院的兼职教授,教授算法交易和高频财务。
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Posted on July 26, 2012. Filed under: Conference, Event Announcements, Exchanges, Practitioners, Regulations, Strategies, Workshop | Tags: algorithms, An Insider's Look at the New High-Frequency Trading Phenomenon That is Transforming the Investing World,, Beijing, Bloomberg Hedge Fund Brief, BMF 89.9, BNN Business Day, Business Times, Business Tonight, Caixin, CBN Newswire, CCTV China, Cents & Sensibilities, Channel NewsAsia, Chicago, China, China Financial Publishing House, Chinese Financial News, Citigroup, CNBC, CNBC Cash Flow, CNBC Squawk Box, Columbia Business School, Dalian Commodity Exchange, Dallas Morning News, Dark Pools, DCE, Dubai,,, FIXGlobal Trading, Futures and FX, Futures Daily, GPW Media, Harvard Business School,, high frequency trading speaker, high frequency trading workshop, High-Frequency Trading Conference, High-Frequency Trading Expert, High-Frequency Trading Forum, High-Frequency Trading Seminar, High-Frequency Trading Training, High-Frequency Trading World, High-Frequency Trading World’s Capital, HKEx, Ho Chi Minh, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, How Algorithmic and High Frequency Traders Leverage Profitable Strategies to Find Alpha in Equities, IBM,, iMoney Hong Kong, International Finance News, investment, Investment Management Conference, Jakarta, Kiev, Kuala Lumpur, Leaderonomics, London, McGraw-Hill Inc., McKinsey & Co. consultant, Mexico City, MIT Sloan, Moscow, new york, New York University Adjunct Professor, Options, Oriental Daily News, proprietary trading, quantitative, quants, Sao Paulo, Securities and Exchange Commission, Seoul, Shanghai, Shanghai Futures Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, SHFE, singapore, SSE, The Korea Herald, The Korea Times, The New York Times, The Speed Traders, The Speed Traders Workshop, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Hong Kong, The Speed Traders Workshop 2012 Shanghai, The Star, The Wall Street Journal,, TODAY Online, Tradetech, Valor Econômico, Warsaw, Xinhua, ZCE, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange |
The high-frequency trading world’s capital is moving to China this August with Mr. Edgar Perez, author of The Speed Traders, and former McKinsey & Co. consultant and New York University Adjunct Professor, presenting The Speed Traders Workshop 2012: How Algorithmic and High Frequency Traders Leverage Profitable Strategies to Find Alpha in Equities, Options, Futures and FX, in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
Top securities firms and traders from China, Hong Kong and Singapore trading at Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE), Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE), Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE), Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx), and Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX), are joining these enlightening workshops, which display an agenda full of information and insights, as can be seen through the following sessions:
1. Understanding High Frequency Trading in Equities and other Asset Classes
- The need for speed and sophisticated computer programs in generating, routing, and executing orders
- Co-location and individual data feeds to minimize latency
- Time-frames for establishing and closing highly-liquid positions
- Review of the most important strategies: market making, trend following, value arbitrage and others
2. Key Enablers for High Frequency Trading
- Technological innovation: computing power, complex event processing, and low-latency bandwidth
- Shift to electronic trading and the rise of alternative trading systems
- In-depth look at strategies high frequency traders leverage to find alpha in equities, options, futures and FX
- The profitability of typical high frequency trading strategies and its evolution
3. Global Regulatory Overview: from the U.S. and Europe to China and Brazil
- Regulations in place before the “flash crash”
- Proposed regulatory initiatives after the “flash crash” in the U.S. and Europe, circuit breakers, limit up limit down and consolidated audit trail
- High frequency trading in Asia, from Japan, Singapore and India to Hong Kong and China
- Regulating speed trading to samba beats: Brazil and Mexico
4. The Future of High Frequency Trading
- Enhancing profitability: from equities to FX to cross-asset trading
- High frequency trading in the world: from the U.S. and Europe to China and Brazil
- Adding ammunition to the high frequency trader toolkit, FPGA, GPUs and enhanced technologies
- Turning the tables on high frequency trading: the transparency challenge for the buy-side
Mr. Perez has been interviewed on CNBC Cash Flow, CNBC Squawk Box, BNN Business Day, CCTV China,,, Leaderonomics, GPW Media, Channel NewsAsia Business Tonight and Cents & Sensibilities. In addition, Mr. Perez has been featured on Caixin, Futures Daily, Xinhua, CBN Newswire, Chinese Financial News,, International Finance News,,,, The Korea Times, The Korea Herald, The Star, BMF 89.9, iMoney Hong Kong, CNBC, Bloomberg Hedge Fund Brief, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Dallas Morning News, Valor Econômico, FIXGlobal Trading, TODAY Online, Oriental Daily News and Business Times.
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