The Speed Traders’ Author, Edgar Perez, to Address Hong Kong Securities Institute

Posted on June 7, 2011. Filed under: Event Announcements, Exchanges, Securities | Tags: algorithmic trading, Edgar Perez, Flash Crash, Golden Networking, High-Frequency Trading, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Securities Institute, liquidity crisis, proprietary trading, S&P 500 Index, SEC, Securities and Exchanges Comission, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) E-Mini futures contracts, The Speed Traders |

Hong Kong Securities Institute

Edgar Perez, Author, The Speed Traders,, will address a members-only session of the Hong Kong Securities Institute, professional body that aims to raise the standards of securities and finance practitioners in Hong Kong, June 28, on The Present and Future of High-Frequency Trading.

Hong Kong Securities Institute was officially formed in December 1997 as a professional body to raise the standards of securities and finance practitioners in Hong Kong. In setting standards for professional excellence in Hong Kong, the HKSI offers a platform where individuals can gain the skills, and achieve the necessary professionalism and personal competence as they proceed towards further career advancement. The HKSI provides continuous professional development by offering comprehensive examinations and an extensive programme of training courses and events. Finance professionals benefit from HKSI membership programme which provides invaluable support and professional recognition from industry peers as well as substantial discounts on a variety of HKSI programmes.

The Speed Traders,, published by McGraw-Hill Inc., is the most comprehensive, revealing work available on the most important development in trading in generations. High-frequency trading will no doubt play an ever larger role as computer technology advances and the global exchanges embrace fast electronic access. The Speed Traders explains everything there is to know about how today’s high-frequency traders make millions—one cent at a time.

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